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Cherry Live Edge Shelving Unit with Iron Pipe Frame Construction.
Black Walnut Live Edge Kitchen Work Station. Iron Pipe Frame Construction.
Hall way entry table installed. Tiger wood beveled top with branching from downed tree found in the woods.
Coffee table with 8 different inlaid hardwoods to form a pattern
Philadelphia Chippendale spice chest made from black walnut
Cherry kitchen stools
Partner’s desk made from genuine mahogany
Curly maple wash stand
Jewelry Armoire from cherry with hard maple dovetailed drawer sides. Thanks Highland !
“Scotty Lewis-style” cutting board. Cherry, walnut and purpleheart. One of a series of three given as wedding gifts.
Bandsaw box from scraps of maple
Wood Panel Wall for church meeting room
Solid Sapele Front Door with Sidelights
Sapele platter
Turned ‘Dizzy’ Bowl with Black Walnut, Mahogany, Sapele, Purpleheart, Cherry, Ash, and Maple.
This plan was taken from Fine Woodworking. The bench is made of ash and measures 3.5′ long.
Shaker Wall Clock in Cherry
Bloodwood Framed United States Presidential Seal